Tuesday 14 August 2012

Bolt WIP01

Stylised Usain Bolt WIP

Wednesday 15 February 2012

New Character

For the first time in about a year and a half I'm starting work on a new personal project, here's the first few hours.

This is my first time seriously using ZSpheres, they were not quite as gentle with me as I hoped but combined with dynamesh they ended up being very useful.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Daily Sculpt #2 - Male head

I use the term 'daily' sculpt in the loosest of terms!

1h 30 mins

Saturday 28 January 2012

Getting back Into It

OK, so I've been working professionally in the industry for JUST under a year (3 days from now) and I've realised that you can't just rely on the work done during the day to increase skill. Sure, it helps, but personal development is key.
It's time to create art in my free time again, not only will I get better but I'm really hoping to get back into they enjoyment of art again!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Strengthening The Basics 1 - The Torso

Right now I'm focusing on the topology of individual areas of the body, hopefully spending the time and focus on just one area at a time, instead of the whole picture, will help me to find any flaws I may have been slipping in to my mesh flows.

Today I've been looking at the torso...

Tuesday 16 November 2010

It would seem that it's been a while since I last posted anything, this would be because I've been busy doing freelance stuff and learning things! Here's a little something I whipped up this morning.

Thursday 30 September 2010

Just a quick update

It doesn't QUITE look like me yet, but I can't figure out the missing piece that'll do that :\

Oh yeah, I don't think I credited Del with the use of his awesome matcap! Pick it up here! :D

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Self Portrait MK II!

Here's me having another go at a self portrait.

the one I did in uni is looking VERY outdated now!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Monday 20 September 2010

Just posting a head sculpt I created whilst on a train the other day

I usually find that some of my best stuff comes out of riding around on a train, I should use them more often :D

Monday 30 August 2010

Comicon 2010

Decided to enter for comicon '10 over at gameartisans.

I've gone for Scott Pilgrim. I'm going to make my own realistic version (So it's won't look like Michael Cera) that wraps itself around the fight with the twins (movie version), so big ethereal gorilla!

Wednesday 25 August 2010

I haven't updated this for a while! Here's some WIP shots from a few weeks ago...

This is what I'm trying to go for with this model

And this is how the sculpt looks like right now. Still needs detailing and such (and nipples :P).

And here's where she's currently at, I'm just getting the bases for her clothes ready for ZBrush.

Hopefully I'll get some time to complete her in the near future, especially since I have a few jobs finishing soon... though with comicon coming up over at gameartisans I'm unsure!

Tuesday 20 July 2010

It's all coming together now...

All of the parts of my latest model have been stitched together and the body is about ready for ZBrush.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Finished Dorothy shots

Until I can get another turntable up somewhere, here's some static shots of Dorothy...

Monday 12 July 2010

I tend to do this...

I've neglected this blog again. Bah! Once again I'll promise to update it often, let's hope I can stick to that this time...

This is just a quickie anyway since I'd love some feedback on a WIP model.

I realise there are LOADS of loops, an excessive amount you may say - but I'm intending to whack this in Zbrush, so I've gotta try and keep this sucker quadded (although, you may notice that there are a few five sided polys, something that I'd like some feedback on removing if possible?).

There's a ton of other stuff that I want to upload too, and something that I'd love to upload (but am unable to on a blogger site) is the real time Dorothy turntable. It was on a friend's site but that's currently in the middle of a revamp. I'll just have to post static images up later instead. =(