Friday 30 October 2009

In my last post I uploaded a pic of a chest. I've decided to make it, here's some WIPS...

The chest is 598 tris, my limit is 600... perhaps a little low, or maybe too high, I'm not sure. I'm hoping it's just about right as an object that would, you would assume, appear quite a bit in a game.
Though, with this limit I'm a little stretched to make it look exactly the same as the concept so far; I'm hoping the texture and detail normal maps will remedy that.

Thursday 29 October 2009


Here's a couple of 2d images I've done over the past month:

On the subject of 2d, I really hope to get some more done - I'd forgotten it's joys for a little while
It's a crate... Not much to say really other than it was another experiment in high poly modelling and that this isn't finished either! The diffuse and spec maps are far from done (in fact, there isn't a spec map yet) But hey, thought I'd post up up while I was here.

This is the crate in the Marmoset engine. It doesn't quite 'pop' without a spec map, but it shows off the normal a bit.

And here it is in max with it's wireframe showing. Sexy.

More Viper

Just a little update on the viper... I haven't actually worked on it in a few weeks, but my reasoning was that if I post a WIP of it here I'll eventually get my act together and finish it!

This is some of the high poly which, of course, will eventually be converted into a normal map and all that jive!