Wednesday 23 September 2009


Just thought i'd post up a few WIP pics of what I'm doing atm...

This is a 3d model of my old desk, I'm planning on making it look as much like a 2d picture as possible and hopefully I'll use it on my website somewhere...

This is a boulangerie. The really dense high poly areas will eventually be baked onto their low poly counterparts

and finally, I'm making a Viper Mk II from battlestar galactica! I've only spent a couple of hours on it so far, but I'm having a lot of fun. I'm hoping the finished result will look awesomely battle-worn

It's not too much, but thought you all should know I'm still working away =P

Monday 14 September 2009

Whipped this up in about 40 mins today, the title was "crumble"

not sure if I went too crazy on the ol' sharpen or not though!

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Hello again!

It's been a while!

I've been lazy with posting on this thing, I think it's the fact that no one can comment on it (if anyone knows how I can fix whatever error I made int he HTML please let me know!). Feels like I'm talking into a void!

Anyway, thought I should post something, even if the void can't talk back.

So, I've been having a go at the comicon over the past month or so, here's a snippet...

the other images can be found here.

I've also done some 2d stuffs, like this...

Which can also be found in my gallery.

Hopefully I'll start to update more often again!